MSD of SC School Board Meeting Highlights

The school board held its monthly meeting on Tuesday Aug 20. Here are highlights from the meeting.

  • The Literacy Task Force presented an update on what they accomplished last year and the goals for this upcoming year, the task force consists of Jonathan Winslow, Sam Newhard, Megan Crankshaw, Dawn Carlson-Grubb and Amber Vonderau.

  • The Transportation Director Paul Hyska shared the news that we received a 99.99% rating on our inspection.  Thank you Paul Hyska  for your dedication to keeping our buses in tip top shape.  

  • Dr Chantel Manahan presented the changes to the technology usage policies to include new technology such as AI. 

  • Farmers State Bank has initiated a yearly donation to support fine art programs.

A full summary of the meeting can be found on our webpage https://www.msdsteuben.k12.in.us/documents/board/board-patron-packets/444946
Next meeting will be September 17,2024